@Jason this article is addressing the decline in a Muncie, Bloomington and Terre Haute (Indiana college towns). https://www.tribstar.com/news/... It questions when the census was done i.e right after covid and students sent home. However the University has drastically reduced enrollment from something like 15k 2015 to like 8k. Positives - they just built an expensive (relatively) convention center, getting a 240million dollar casino and have job commitments and dollars coming in from steel, food processing, manufacturing, life science, plus a large hospital and new medical centers. Ross Hulman is the #1 engeneering school of somekind of ranking each year ect. and most of all you can see the hipsters microbrew and coffee shops popping up. I think its a mixed bag but has potential...Seems some stale minds in gov and commerce though. Local government touts opening a big prison as a economic win while I see a grand total of 1 convention booked over a year away at the "convention center" .. why not hold a big jobs/engeneering fair for free promote Rose Hulman or a nursing expo for hospital/ISU... ring up Grate Dane or Steel dynamics and tell them there tax abatment will pass if they book the company convention in TH! show the city there tax dollars actually work.. Sorry I digress, late night.. That being said I saw enough positive for my small small portfolio to purchase 10 rentals in the Thompson Park / Farrington Grove area. Cash flows are good, renters seem plentiful, homes are comparatively cheap and low rent to own @31% which I feel you want if you are going into extended inflation in a town with lower income jobs but good employment numbers and I like the look of town:) haha very very long post and my first!.. wonder if anyone will get to the end of it:)-