I have two investment deals (and more to come) that I am seeking a lender for. Both are in South Florida- one is a four-plex (cashflow from vacation rents) and another is a high end, historic area (not a historic house) that will have $1M of net equity after renovations.
Here's the situation: I am sick and tired of the endless, ridiculous institutional lending process from mounds of paperwork, run-arounds, poor responsiveness, long draw decisions, and most importantly a complete lack of big picture thinking. Sorry for the rant, but it's the premise of this post.
I am a seasoned, highly successful real estate investor and business owner (Company Website Here) with excellent credit, cash to put down, and high net worth (mostly tied up in equity that is difficult to extract-- hence my rant above).
I am seeking a private lender to build a financial relationship with for a win/win investment strategy. I want to execute on deals quickly without 3 months of dog-and-pony-show games and starting over each time I find a hot deal.
If you are a serious, trustworthy, intelligent, data-driven lender, preferably in Florida please contact me.
Email: [email protected]
Cell/Text: 781-983-0204