@Jonathan Greene
The only contingency is getting the loan. We are in underwriting and have been told unlikely that we won’t get it. If current house doesn’t sell or rent when we can finally get out, it would eventually become a problem to carry 2 mortgages plus other costs and neither providing income. Having the house we are buying drop in price after closing, which is April 6, is less of my concern unless it never goes back up. It would sting to know I could’ve bought cheaper but have been at this for more than a year and wonder if there will be a house we want since it has been so hard. It would be easier if we were buying an investment and not a personal house, I would back out and try to buy cheaper. I really wanted to get the equity out of the current house to buy investment properties but can rent if selling at good enough price looks bleak even though we really want to sell.
I don’t understand what you mean when you say, “If the renovations are cosmetic, you can’t do them before you close anyway.” Also, I don’t believe a CCO can apply in our situation. I think I haven’t been clear enough that the purchase is a personal home to get out of current personal home. Current personal home would be sold to buy other properties or backstop we could rent it out if unable to sell.
What I am trying to get a handle on is if we back out will we find something cheaper? If it gets really bad out there it would be nice to have the cash cushion especially if job loss occurs.
Worst case is we go through with the purchase, spend a bunch of money on renovations which leaves us with depleted cash reserves, can’t get current house sold or rented then job loss hits. Am I about right?
Thank you very much for your response @Jonathan Greene
I’ve actually spelled it out a little clearer in my mind but still no closer on decision.