Based on the figures you provided, the deals seems to make sense overall. Despite the negative cash flow in the beginning, over a 5 to 10 year hold, the property would likely perform. I am basing that on the general upward trend in rents over time and appreciation. In addition, if you plan to increase rents and lower expenses come to true, then you're in an even better position. One thing you should consider is your rental estimates and be sure you can confidently obtain those amounts. If you are having the tenant pay utilities, then that is effectively a ~25% increase in the tenant housing cost on top of that the one unit in which you are planning to raise rents from $800,to $1,000 is a ~25% increase on top of another ~25% increase for utilities, resulting in a overall ~50% increase in tenant housing cost. Those are large increases so I would advise to really look at your comps and make sure the market supports such increases.