My question is in regard to the legality of hiring people you know that are not licensed in a specific trade to work on a flip with you. I work as a maintenance tech for a property management company spanning multiple apartment complexes throughout the Portland metro area. Throughout the 5 or so years I've been with this company, I've gained a lot of experience in turning apartments myself, but i have all ran into a lot of highly skilled workers, who necessarily are not licensed in specific areas. For example, a foreman of mine wasn't a licensed electrician, but when we would do turns in apartments, he knew how to do low voltage electrical. He was also skilled in plumbing, sheet rock, etc. Sort of a Jack of all trades. So my question is, say i were to buy a property to flip, is it legal to hire him, for example, to do some electrical or plumbing within the property (if needed) without having to hire a licensed professional?
Thanks or any tips or answers!