As someone with 25 years as a cop...
1) Do not carry a gun if you can't do it legally. Places like NYC will prosecute YOU if you use that gun, even if justified in using it.
2). Do not carry a gun if you are not fully trained and plan on continuing that training. It isn't something you take a weekend course and then think you are done. It is ongoing and regular training as it is a perishable skill.
Also, if you are carrying, people don't "respect" you because of that. If you are doing it properly, they won't know you have a firearm. I can't speak to NYC laws, but in CA, open cary is not legal, so there ins't that element of them avoiding conflict because you are armed. "Brandishing" or flashing your firearm, even if legally concealed is a crime in most states... So, put it out of your mind that having a firearm will make people avoid conflict with you. In most circumstances, it creates problems.
That being said, carrying a firearm isn't for most people because of local laws, but more commonly because their lack of dedication to training.
I would suggest pepper spray or a taser.
Pepper spray for civilians is available at the same levels that the police cary.
Tasers for civilians use the same technology. The exception is the Tasers for civilians activate for 30 seconds and are designed to deploy, drop the taser and run away. At 800-1000, it is expensive.
From someone who is a cop and an investor, I would re-think these properties. If they are that bad, they aren't worth it.
But, if you can do it legally, and are willing to put in the time to train and keep your skills sharp, most cops, including myself, welcome an armed civilian legally carrying and making good decisions.
Just my .02 cents.