Originally posted by @Derek Logue:
Originally posted by @David H.:
Originally posted by @Derek Logue:
Originally posted by @David H.:
Who said anything about doing anything illegal. I would find something within the lines to get it done.
Sorry that i disgust you (actually I'm not at all) but I guess it's to be expected if you are ok with people that molest little kids. My decision is based nothing on thier potential to do it again, its what's already been done. Someone has to stand up for the children since you seem to be more concerned with the predators. I think this is a huge problem with this country in the lack of severity in this department so your not going to get any sympathy from me. We are on total opposite sides of the fence on this one.
I seriously doubt someone like you would find something "within the lines." If someone served out their sentence that should be the end of it, no registry, no shady landlords like you discriminating against them. People with your attitude is the real reason why this country is going down the toilet. I could care less for your "sympathy." I'm glad you are in another state because we have enough scummy slumlords in SW Ohio.
Its interesting that you are hung up on me staying legal (which i never said otherwise) yet u pm me calling me names and that you would ruin my house if you had the chance, so i guess legality only applies when it suits you right. It's funny that people like you play the victim until you dont get your way then the true colors come through. Like I said if we were talking some minor crime that has a person on the sex crime list, I would understand your position. And when it comes to pedophiles, I agree with you they shouldn't be on the list. They should be in jail for life!!
No one is playing victim here. You are just mad because I confronted you over your illiteracy and personal bias. The problem is someone who took four tries just to spell the P word correctly can't be trusted to discern who is a "pedophile" (not "pedafile" like you tend to spell it) and who is not. The registry makes no distinction.
You live in a state that feels prostitution and kids playing doctor are at least Tier 2 sex offenders and mark their drivers licences.
I'm not mad at all, you didnt call out my bias, I was quite clear that I am prejudice against pedophiles. You just dont like that which is your issue as I'm good with it.
And that's pretty typical of people that have lost thier argument when they start pointing out spelling issues lol. By the way you spelled licenses wrong, might wanna use spell check when calling out spelling, but who cares right.
Anyway this horse has been beat so have fun protecting the pedophilez! Yep, spelled it wrong for u!