Welcome to Chattanooga,
To add to what Brian said about LLC's in TN. The interesting thing about the state income taxes for LLC's in Tennessee is that you have to pay tax on the profit and also tax on the value of your asset, so even if you aren't making any money off of your property you still end up paying taxes on the value. Now if you have it in your own name you can protect your property with 3 different insurance policies. First the liability policy on the property, second a personal umbrella policy (this protects your assets from anything stupid that you do personally like a car accident or something), third a commercial umbrella policy (this adds an addition coverage from any problems that arrive from your rental properties). These umbrella policies are incredibly affordable like $300 a year for $1,000,000 coverage.
As always seek professional legal advice, but know that the standard answer of always put your properties in an LLC might not be the most financially beneficial to you in the state of TN.