Originally posted by @Conor Murphy:
my question is, if I make an offer, am I legally bound in any way yet or do I legitimately have the escrow period to back out?
It depends what your contingencies in your offer say. Really your relator should be the one telling you about what contingencies he can put in the offer but I will tell you a couple that are pretty standard that can be used to back out.
Inspection and due diligence period contingency, 15 days or whatever you want really during which time you can inspect the property and if you find something you can back out or reopen negotiations with the seller to reduce the price or fix the problems. You can only use this contingency to back out if you do it within the time frame. Once the period is done you can't use it.
Appraisal and financing contingency, this basically states that your purchase is contingent on the property appraising and you getting the financing to complete the deal. If you can't get financing then you can get out of the deal and get your earnest money back.
A note on your realtor he might be wanting in on the deal because your getting money from a private lender and he sees it as an opportunity to get a portion of a property without putting much money down. But if he hasn't talked to you about contingencies how good of a realtor is he?
Lastly I don't think it is a deal but I'm not a CA investor I know you all do it differently out there were most people just invest for appreciation. I will say this, if you get it for 660K then that is what it is worth it is not worth 700K if it was that would be the purchase price especially in a hot market with a multi bid situation.