@Joe Villeneuve
Thanks for your response, you said a lot there but I would like to look at the numbers of how it would actually work. So lets stick with the example we had 45K ARV, 825 Cashflow, and lets assume the owner has had it for a year and that there are an unlimited amount of other deals exactly like it ready to be purchased. In your system you say you can reuse the 36K (80% of ARV) an unlimited amount of times, which is true but you are limited to how quickly that can be done in a year, because you have to purchase, rehab, rent and then find investors lets assume that whole process can be done in 3 months. So you can in practicality do 4 deals a year from that 36K. And lets assume you were able to find someone to loan at 80% ARV for 8% interested over 20 years for a mortgage of 300 per month. Disclaimer this loan probably wouldn't be given for only 1 property and would have to be part of a package but lets assume that OP as a package and he is debating between the two options but lets just look at 1 property to make the numbers simple. Ok now the numbers.
Option 1 your way- Present- 825 cash flow.
After split: (825*.20 )= 165 Cash flow
End year 1: (165*5 the orginal property plus the 4 more done through the year) = 825 Cash flow. After 1 year you have 5 properties giving you a total of 825 per month.
End year 2: 825+ (4*165)= 1485 Cash flow
End year 5: 1485+ (12*165) = 3465 Cash flow
Option 2 Loan- Present- 825 cash flow
After refinance: (825-300) = 525 Cash flow
End year 1: (525+825 new property)= 1350 Cash flow
End year 2: 525+525+825 = 1875 Cash flow
End year 5: 1875+1575 = 3450 Cash flow
So after 5 years option one you have 21 properties making 3465 month cash flow. With option 2 you have 6 properties making 3450 month cash flow, not even including the equity pay down from the loan, or the time value of money, and the fact that you get 100% of the appreciation instead of 20% like with option 1. So lets say all properties appreciated 1000 at the end of year 5. Appreciation for Option 1: 1000*21*.2 = 4200. Appreciation option 2: 1000*6 = 6000.
Personally I would choose option 2, but to each his own.