What I meant by covid related was an increased rate of tenant's unable to pay rent. You're right in that it's not covid specific or even BRRRR specific, but instead just how much leverage i'm comfortable with.
The BRRRR factor in my thought process is that leveraged more quickly. i.e. with option 1) buying more turn-key properties without forcing appreciation and refinancing (BRRRR)...it may take me many times longer to acquire the same value/# of properties, vs using option 2) the BRRRR method. BUT option 1 my debt to equity ratio will be lower, or bringing it all the way back to my question, less risky in theory. A way to mitigate this risk is some level of cash reserves (not sure best practice here) or number of doors/more cashflow to cover vacancy and inability of tenants to pay rent. Other strategies for this are welcomed.
At the end of the day the ultimate risk if I can't cover the mortgage is some form of bankruptcy and bank takes the property? is there any legal structure can that protect me in this worst case scenario?