Hi, all. I'm brand-new to this whole thing, and am about to buy a pair of properties that will require a total of $15K work done.
Property A needs a new roof and some other work. Probably to the tune of $10K. This work is basic livability stuff, and won't enable me to increase rent.
Property B needs smaller stuff, maybe a total of $5K. That should enable me to increase the rent by about $100.
I could just pay for this stuff out of pocket. But I've already drawn on my cash reserves for the two down payments, and I'm not eager to draw them down further. And I like the idea
So I could get a home equity loan. Pen Fed's calculator suggests I could get a $15K loan at 20 years, 5.25%, and pay it off about $100 a month. I'm not eager to go to take on new debt, either, though. And that $100? Basically wipes out the entire cash-flow improvement from Property B (see above).
So...One thing to keep in mind is that money tends to become less valuable over time. For instance, our primary-home mortgage doesn't hurt nearly as much as it did when we bought the place 12 years ago. This is due both to inflation and increased earnings. So, that $100 a month is likely to feel like a pinprick some years from now.
Still...it's 5.25%. If I pay out of reserves (and then "repay" myself, of course), the effective interest rate is a scant 1% (the interest that money would be earning in the bank).
Anyway, I'm torn and would be grateful to learn other people's thoughts.
thanks!! -dave