Originally posted by @Adah N.:
@Danny Grey
Whether or not you admit it, there is plenty of data and evidence that shows blacks continue to suffer the consequences of slavery, racism and injustice.
No, white Americans alive today are not responsible for slavery so they need not feel guilt for slavery. However, some bad apples continue to perpetuate racism and rules and regulation that keep some people disadvantaged.
While the savior mentality from some is offensive, the successful blacks are guilty for doing little to advance our black communities.
Respectfully, I've heard this nonsense my whole life, and it's NEVER been useful. All it's ever done is to demoralize and demean us by allowing us to shift blame for our failures to others.
Please show me "plenty of data and evidence" that our collective issues are caused by "the consequences of slavery, racism and injustice". Those are pretty buzzwords, but considering members of many races have been enslaved en masse since the dawn of time yet many are doing better than us, that theory seems flimsy at best.
An example: North Africans spent hundreds of years raiding villages in the Mediterranean, capturing and enslaving southern Europeans. There were more of those Europeans taken as slaves by North Africans than African slaves taken to America. Plus, they were still capturing and enslaving those Europeans for decades after America freed their slaves. Yet many of the descendants of those European slaves (the ones who weren't castrated) are doing extraordinarily well today. Which begs the question: why aren't more of us?
From what I've seen since I was a young man, the simple truth is that we hold ourselves down as a people more than anyone else ever could. When I look at crime stats, it shows that the vast majority of us who are violently victimized are victimized by each other. When I see 73%+ of us born out of wedlock with no focus on family or properly caring for the future generation, that's on us too. When I see my brothers and sisters come upon some money, I rarely see them invest or build businesses, however I often see them mismanage it.
I would ask you: Why is it anyone else's responsibility to help us rise? We must rise on our own. And we can.
I stand by my opinion that this entire thread is gross and demeaning, and it reflects poorly on Bigger Pockets and the serious investors here. It has done one thing though: it's revealed the soft bigotry of many members here who think we need their help because our race makes us less capable.
I'm thankful to those here that I've interacted with on the forum and in person who treated me the same way they treat any other real estate investor and enthusiast. As for the white saviors in this thread and society in general, we really have no use for your condescension or pity, and the sooner you realize it actually hurts us in the long run the better off we'll all be.