@Danny Cerecedes
Chris is right. CA expects your LLC to be doing in business in CA simply on the basis that you live here.
It sounds like you are getting started. Don't get into paralysis by analysis with this LLC stuff. Believe me, I did the same thing. I read many books, articles, etc, and spoke to many asset protection attorneys. You will get different opinions many times over, because there is just no case law to establish the precedence. I've had attorneys try and sell me on multiple layers of trusts/ LLCs, off shore FLPs, etc. Remember, all this protection is theory. No one can really say how much a certain setup will protect you.
Yes NV has better laws than CA. However, if you live in CA, and own property in CA, and get sued by someone in CA that slips and falls on your CA property, do you think a judge will say "but the mere fact your have an NV LLC, NV laws apply"?
Unless you are a high net worth individual, then my advise is to keep it simple.
- Use an LLC in the state you will be doing business in
- Separate out your active companies (flipping, managing, etc.) vs your passive buy-holds.