Hey everyone,
Closing is the best part of a deal and I am excited to get there (one day). However, my situation is very unique (I think) and I'm in need of advice.
I'm a work-from-home mom with one car. My husband needs the car everyday for work and is not able to be dropped of at his job because he works on a military base. So from 7am to 5pm the car is with him. With no other family or trusted friends where I live, I would not be able to have someone drop me off at the closing and watch my kids.
What am I to do?
- Do I have to be present at the closing in order to get paid?
- Do I have to inform both the seller and the buyer that I won't be at the closing table?
- Do I contact the title company and inform them I won't be there?
- If I can't be there will there be an issue?
Also, how are the contracts that I have from the seller and buyer sent to the title company? Do I fax both contracts to the title company (info provided by the seller) and state the property being sold?
This is my first closing.