@Jason Strain
1) Sub-dividing ourselves presents a bit of a hiccup. The city has demands before allowing it. I wasn't privy to the conversation I only know what my dad told me. They want him to pay out of pocket to asphalt 200ft of alleyway (which is gravel currently) All the way out to the street before they would allow him to sub-divide. With an estimated cost of $20K (to me this seems high for asphalt but its what he told me). This doesnt include another $20K for the sewer line and water. This was actually the route we wanted to go but the City is basically playing games.
2) Rezoning for multi-family honestly I'm not sure. When we saw the cost to rehab the house. Building anything other than a manufactured home is out of his price range. Its a large lot but might be small for anything more than 4 apartment units. Its right in the middle of many residential houses.
3) A duplex was actually the first thought that entered his head before he got the estimate for rebuilding. If rebuilding is off the table then developing it further is not going to work for him.
As to my father's goal, I think what he has decided to do is sell and reinvest in one possibly 2 single family homes with mortgages and possibly do a rent to own lease option. He has no mortgage on this house, he owns it free and clear.
The market we are in is Seattle WA, King Country. Des Moines WA specifically so there are many water view properties in this small town. Unfortunately this house isn't one of them.