I am the Broker in Charge of a two-man real estate company and the top real estate agent in a rural niche which includes a small coastal fishing town of McClellanville. Around half of our sales come from land sales and there are still large tracts around which could be developed as the market in our area heats up. We are on well and septic and know a lot about those factors, but having never developed a large tract of land before, I still have lots of questions about improving the land, adding roads, partnering with builders, and the big issue; bankrolling this thing. I'd really love to work under a great developer, I would hope that I would earn the listings through our partnership and will pull more than my weight, but I'd truly like for it to be a learning process so that I could hone those skills and be able to do it myself in the future. How do I start and where do I look to find these people and how do I pitch development ideas to them without getting left out of the deal?