@Sharon Rosendahl We had 250 landlords from across the state at the legislature Friday before last to voice opposition to the Just Cause legislation. We had another sizeable group for the Landlords Day On The Hill this past Thursday. We filled the committee room where they were updating the bill to eliminate Criminal History from being considered in your rental criteria. Our show of solidarity is having an impact, but we need people emailing their legislators and the committee members proposing these damaging bills.
You MUST be involved and make your voice heard in the legislature, city and county councils. If you don’t belong to a landlord association, it’s time to join one!
Washington State Landlord Assoc. https://www.walandlord.org/
Or Rental Housing Association of Washington at https://www.rhawa.org/
Our efforts are only as effective as our input. Due to our activities I have heard the Criminal history bill is likely to fail. Not many legislators are ready to fight for rent control in this current session, so it will likely also not get out of committee.
You can track these bills at: https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsum...
Bills we are watching include:
HB 2520; OPPOSE: addresses excessive documentation to withhold from security deposit
Han 2453; OPPOSE: State wide Just Cause
SHB 2069; SUPPORT: Concerning a property owner's or tenant's liability for delinquent and unpaid utility service charges
SB 6490 OPPOSE: endangers tenants
HB 2779 OPPOSE: Rent Control