Originally posted by Bryan Hancock:
What is the most effective way to:
1. Remove inquiries
2. Fix your job title and/or incorrect addresses on your reports
Do certified letters work? If so, do you need some legal letterhead? I am thinking of paying my attorney a few bucks to let me use his letterhead to dispute some things that are a bit inaccurate on my report with regard to current employment and such.
I hear a lot of people say "why pay someone to do something that you can do yourself?"
You can represent yourself in court, but most people hire a lawyer.
If you cut your finger off, you could sew it back on yourself, but i wouldn't recommend it.
I guess no one has told people that you can change your own oil in your car, because they just continue to pay someone else to do it.
Point is you want to hire someone that is an expert and pay them for their service. I would definitely pay the lawyer to help, especially if he has any experience in the matter.
Yes, we do recommend certified letters. It keeps the bureaus honest.