Hey everyone, I appreciate your input and foresight! There are alot of good valid points to your responses and I appreciate it. I also appreciate you all taking the time to read my post. Your responses have been encouraging and informative!
I think the pieces to the puzzle will start to come together, once I get some prior things worked out. Robert and Holly, I definitely agree with you 100%. I've taken the steps to understand and get a hold of my finances. 90% of the debt I have is racked up in student loans. It is managable, but it will definitely make getting loans at this point very hard.
Steven, I really like your advice. I don't know why I hadn't thought of that before, but it definitely makes alot of good sense. I think thats something I'll think about before I head back home.
Ron, I think you really hit on what I was thinking. I know there would be a cost to getting my real-estate liscense, but I also felt that that would allow me to simply get into selling homes as the middle man. Although I wouldn't own the home, I could at least learn the buisness with my risk already defined. I am in the military, but I'm from Kansas. However, i'll definitely check for these benefits in my area of operations.
Thank you all for your input and your time, because it has helped a ton! I would still like to leave the disscussion open, because as they say, there is always something more to learn! So if your reading this forum, please feel free to add your input on the subject!
Thank you!