Hi @Jacqueline Gonzalez,
I was wondering the same thing, but more on how to get on Bigger Pockets list of Investor Friendly Agents:). I have been a Landlord, Realtor, Flipper, Broker, Entrepreneur for 20+ years now. But I want to get in front of more investors than just what my RE business brings. I do honestly think it is listening to what the Investor wants and if you don't understand something diving into how to understand it. Whether that is bringing someone on that is more experienced and offering some of your commission, "Cheap Education " if you ask me. Or going to down the online rabbit hole of you tube and google. If you take the time and ask the questions, ie: of GC's, property managers, flippers. Most are willing to give good advice if you are willing to do the work in finding out the resources. There are a lot of different kind of investors out there and your title company has to understand what they are doing as well as the agents on the other side if it's an on market property. I hope that is helpful. I am just starting on this platform so I appreciate that everyone here talks the same shop:). Reach out if you have questions on the "jargin":). I feel the more specific you are the easier it is to get to the answer.