@Valerie K. Not at all, life isn’t fair to begin with and I hate it when people assume it ought to be. With regards to creating wealth equal outcomes are a terrible terrible idea as that breeds entitlement. I do however wish that mankind’s mentality was geared a bit more toward the common good rather than so focused on personal achievement. I cringe when I see a strong emphasis on money and wealth and materialism, epsecially when a person already achieved so much in that department. Life is fleeting and you can’t take any of it with you.
For that matter why is it that everybody on average still works just as much if not more as we did 40 yrs ago? We’ve achieved so much and yet we have to work just as hard to attain a similar standard as before ( if not harder). We ought to be working four day weeks by now relatively speaking, but the efficiency has only benefitted an extreme income distribution that favors the very top earners. That doesn’t mean I want socialism, I just find this to be a very unfortunate trend for the masses who are working very hard.