As of right now, you are still able to gain an STRP both as owner occupied or as non-owner occupied, but there are certain restrictions on obtaining these permits. The most important thing to note with a non-owner occupied permit is the zoning of the property. I recommend looking for a DTC zoned property if pursuing non-owner occupied STRP.
Feel free to refer to these two guides for more info on requirements -
Also, David Frabutt works exclusively with STRP's in the Metro office and is a lot of help with specific questions you may have. I would recommend calling Metro directly and obtaining his email address.
3 quick notes - if you want to advertise for big parties for CMA, just note that you can only advertise a maximum of 12 guests per property according to Metro. Also, the supply of AirBNB listings are up 70% year over year, so plan on your rental incomes to decrease as more and more hotels and AirBNB operators increase the supply of accommodations and drive down prices. Lastly, the city has tried to ban all STRP's multiple times and has put freezes on all STRP requests multiples times in the last 24 months. The point being that even though you may be able to obtain a permit today, the legality of operating a STR in Nashville could change overnight, so always have a plan if something outside of your control takes away your ability to short-term rent.
Other than that, rent away! It's a money maker in Nashville!