As an update to this thread, I need to apologize a bit I guess because I hadn't really kept up with it over the years. Some people asked how my marketing/calling efforts were working out, so I'll update about that. In 2017, my listing videos and social media marketing helped me get on with a builder in my area. I spent a few years selling through their neighborhoods, so I didn't really need to make cold calls or market anything but their listings. As of November 2019, I sold through the last neighborhood they had assigned me to, and I thought it might be a good time to step back out into the general market.
So, I built some FB video ads for Buyers initially, along with an email drip funnel and active prospecting back to those leads. I'm doing a lot of retargeted ads back to my established audience. So far, the results are promising. I started running ads right before Christmas with a New Home for the New Year type video ad, and I've generated a few hundred leads this way. I have one under contract so far, and I'm working with several on building their credit. I'm booking a few appointments a week from this so far.
I'm also working on Seller ads, which will start soon, and I'm still using those same YouTube listing videos to build brand and credibility as well.
Also, I have been listening to Ricky Carruth, as somebody mentioned above, and I really appreciate his "How Can I Help You?" approach. He's not really making pesky "Sales Calls." So, I'll be giving RedX GeoLeads a try this month (February 2020). I think he's right that the key to success in this business is to constantly be talking to people. 2020 will be my 6th year in the business, and I agree, if you're not talking to huge amounts of people, you probably won't close many deals. I'm excited to give it a try.
I have just begun to see all these forms of communication in the same light. Whether you're calling, texting, Facebook messaging, blogging, or recording videos, at the core of it, you're just communicating with people. Different people will gravitate toward different forms of communication, and so as long as you're communicating with as many people as you can, in as many different forms as you are comfortable with, I think you're on the right track.
However, I will say video ads can get you in front of the most people with the least effort. Conversely, person-to-person contacts like calls and door knocks are probably the most effective for conversion. And even when you get a Facebook Lead, you still have to get them on the phone and book an appointment. Phone and In Person skills are always essential.