With the increase in interest rates, liquidity is more important than ever. Cash and other liquid assets are moving out of the banks and brokerage accounts and into treasuries. Investors instead take low-paying deposits and place them into short-term treasuries. This takes the deposits, which the banks lend, out of the banks, increasing the bank's cost of funds. The higher cost of funds for banks leads to higher interest rates for those properties you buy. The interest rates will ultimately change the return as your borrowing cost change.
Properties recently bought with rents at or above market and high increases in rent forecasted will bear the most brunt from the changing market. Buy right and operate the business plan. It's a good time to sit back in the batter's box and wait for your pitch. Make sure you have the cash to take advantage.
Cody's Current Buyers Box:
- Under market rents (>15%)
- Basis below replacement cost, Low basis
- Cap Rate > Borrowing Rate
- Major MSA markets with + Jobs
- 3-5 year WALT (weighted avg lease term)
(Still swinging)