@Brian Burke Thank you for the detailed answer as always. I think there is something appealing or mesmerizing about Crowdstreet's marketing, website and the point and click nature. Having the buffet of offerings and then the pretty investor dashboard helps too. Mesmerizing...especially to someone like myself with limited experience in REI and syndication.
Everything you've stated makes sense. My conclusion is that crowdfunding sites are:
1. For inexperienced investors who don't have contacts with the REI world yet and maybe just find comfort in the point and click interface versus having a conversation with a live sponsor.
2. For investors with limited capital. $10,000 can get you into some deals on Crowdstreet, whereas I don't see $10K getting you into a deal with an experienced, quality sponsor. $50K minimum?
3. For lazy investors who don't want to do their DD, or are just wowed by the front end marketing and promised returns.
Thanks again,