When things are not going your way, something as simple as replacing a dishwasher can prove to be a nightmare. I am sure there are more people here who have experienced same total incompetence and lack of professionalism from Home Depot. I mean its a multi billion dollar company for crying out loud...
So follow this with me if you can....
11/18 - Tenant calls me and informs that Dishwasher is not working.. It won't turn on
11/18 - Send my handyman to look at it. The dishwasher is 11 yrs old. He recommends not wasting any money on repair, and just replace it. He says, I can order one from Home Depot/Lowes for $400.00. I am paying for installation and hauling away of the old dishwasher as well.
11/19 - I place the order on HD website. ETA is 11/25.
11/25 - The given ETA is 2:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. He has my order as the last one to be delivered. Delivers it to the tenant, and apparently does some cursory check and informs my tenant that there is no grounding underneath the sink, and so the dishwasher cannot be installed. Tenant doesn't know any better. The truth is that there is grounding there and the place was built in 1995, and has had dishwasher ever since. He literally drops the box in the living room and runs for the door. The dishwasher is still sitting in the box (This is very important detail).
11/26 - I call up Home Depot and talk to the lady, and she says this is terrible it has happened to you. I will send another guy to do the install. The earliest possible date is 11/30. So we schedule a visit from HD tech on 11/30. OK No problem.. I can be a bit patient and so can my tenant.
11/30 - The tech comes in as scheduled, and when he takes the dishwasher out of the box, we discover there is a huge dent on the door- like it was used as a punching bag by Mike Tyson damage.
Now, since this was not reported within 2 days of delivery, HD will not replace it. Per HD, tenants or I should have removed it from the box and inspected it Now we have to deal with the manufacturer. HD arranges for the manufacturer to come in and inspect the dishwasher and then they will make determination of what's to be done.
12/10 - The manufacturer sends their rep. He inspects the damage and reorders the part. He informs the dishwasher can still be used despite the damage to the door, and he will come and replace the door on 12/27. I should call HD so they can come and install. So the ball is back in Home Depot's court..
12/17 - Another HD rep comes to do the install and calls me with a completely ridiculous story. According to him this whole ticket has been a big mess. and these door parts cannot be ordered at all. So he has gone ahead and put in an order to get the whole Dishwasher replaced, and I should call Home Depot to get the order number and date of the delivery. For a moment I am elated that someone finally did their job right..
So I pick up the phone and call Home Depot and talked to the same folks that I have been dealing with. They tell me that there is NO such order, and I was conned by the guy who came to do the installation. So I get the store manager (top guy for the store) on line and have a long chat with him. According to him, this is not an isolated incident, and not at all Home Depot's fault, but the company who has been hired to do the installations has been dropping the ball left and right... Apparently it is same company for all the DC-MD-VA residents, and if even I would have bought the dishwasher from Lowe's, I would have been subjected to the same risk.
According to this store manager, things are so bad that Home Depot had to form a new company just to deal with the consumer complaints.
I am not sure if there is any truth to background info the manager gave me or this is bunch of BS as well..
Moving Forward..
12/27- The door will be replaced as promised by the company.
12/28- The dishwasher will be installed, and someone from HD will be there.. I will be there myself..
Anyone else experienced this kind of nonsense?