Not really asking for advice here but did want to share a recent situation. Newer tenant who signed a non-smoking agreement when he moved in was smoking pot. Another tenant complained of the smell. I gave newer tenant a warning notice that he was not allowed to smoke per his lease and this was a tenant complaint and a lease violation. The situation escalated rapidly.
I received a long and rambling message from him stating he has an anxiety disorder, has had breathing issues since moving into unit, his Ionic Breeze is covered in fungus or mold, says crack is being sold outside his apartment, warned there would be "legal problems" and wanted to meet.
I texted him that I would be happy to meet the following day.
He texted back with a lengthy text that he did not want to meet with me, he feels singled out and harassed. Says we will speak after he has spoken to an attorney. He is contacting Adult Protective services and filing a formal complaint with HUD, Consumer Affairs, Better Business Bureau and Dept of Fair Employment and Housing. He also says I have corrupt business practices, he is a Christian and I owe him an apology. He will also be contacting my insurance company re meth heads on premise. He is suing the tenant who complained for libel even though he's not sure who complained. And he wants me to pay him to move out.
I gave it a day and wrote a text stating I am not aware of any illegal drug use on the property but if he is, please call the police and here is the number. I reminded him that he signed a non-smoking agreement and let him know that all he has to do if he is unhappy there is provide a 30 day written notice of his intent to move. ( He's month to month. ) Short and sweet.
Another long and rambling text stating that he will not be victimized by my dismissive attitude. He says he is honest and I'm a crook. Also demanding to know the name of the person who complained. At this point he is pissing off all the other tenants who want him gone because he's violating their right to a quiet and peaceful place to live.
I'm pretty sure I can just give him a 30 day notice and be done with this nonsense but want to run it by the attorney. This is the kicker. Because of all of his threats and accusations I should not give him the notice because the judge will view my actions as retaliatory. I have to wait six months since his last complaint otherwise my chances are slim to none that I will prevail.