Hi William,
What ever you do decide on should be made to last longer then 5-6 years which I think is what most landlords are most focused on which will give them most on their returns.
If you go with wood flooring I would recommend any thing made with bamboo which can take a beating and to extend the life of the floor you can add in the lease " rugs most be supplied by tenant in high traffic areas"
For Kitchen Cabinets I wouldn't mind Ikea, its cheaper then the home depot line up and not to mention they can offer lego like buildable interiors but also can offer lots of replacement parts.
Most of these items are middle of the road $$ but if done properly can look like higher end that will add value to your investment.
Lastly, you can never go wrong with subway tiles for bathrooms, not only is it fashionable but its timeless design that you can find anywhere.
Any fixtures you replace should be done with Delta or