@Christian Beyer
Ok so this will be the final message about this property on the thread.
I mentioned taking the seller to court over the open permits and items that were not disclosed. Here is what happened in a nutshell:
He brought suit against his broker, claiming he told them to update the disclosure and they didn’t do it. This meant that now I was dealing with Weichert realtors and not just joe blow attorney from down the street. At first I was concerned, but it ended up being a good thing because at some point they either shared responsibility or had to point the finger at each other.
Long story short- the brokers lawyer wanted to settle and not go to trial (more expensive lawyers) so we settled for just less than 20 grand. The seller claimed to be completely broke and said he would take his chance at trial because felt like his case was better in front of a jury and he was going to play the “my broker ate my homework” card and I couldn’t prove that he didn’t tell them to update it. I had no appetite to go to trial and pay my lawyer another 5-10K for the risk of getting an uncollectable judgement or worse, losing. I took a small settlement of a few hundred bucks.
Summary - paid my lawyer around 8-9K and walked away with about 20K.