I have been struggleing with writing this and asking for advise for some time now, mostly because I know the responces I am going to receive. Lets rewind 2 years ago when I was introduced to the BP family. I jumped all in and started absornig everything I could. I have been reading the books and listening to the podcasts. Trying to stay active in the forums but my lack of actule "boots on the ground knowledge" has mostly kept me to being an outsider. I started a local meet up in my community and had 10 or so people show up each time, with a few regulars. I felt I was making good progress and then 2020 slapped everyone in the face. My wife and I were fortunate enought to not lose our jobs, extremely blessed for that, but our lives were turned upside down with the kids doing distance learning and trying to keep our jobs. My wifes company cut over 75% of their workforce and she had to start working all hours of the day to pick up the slack. I was left taking the kids to my office. Every. Single. Day. Sounds easy enough but it put me in a bad place. They say it's easier to teach a room full of kids than it is to teach your own kids, they are absolutly right! Every day turned into ground hog day. I was drained, I drank more whiskey in the few months COVID hit than I have in years and I was a machanic in the military: a few of you will get that referance. So here I sit today trying to figure out how to restart the past two years of my life. The kids go back to school next week and work is slow. I don't feel comfortable in the curent situation and more change has to happen for my familys sake.
I'm not looking for handouts or anything of that nature. I work for what I have and want. It felt good to write it out and admit that I am human and can't figure out my next step.
Sorry for the spelling, it's not my strongest attribute.