Quote from @Gulliver R.:
@Chris Roberts
Do you mean that if I'm going to apply the RUBS system in my community and charge something like $67/mo per tenant that I have to disclose a monthly break down of the total water/sewer bill divided by the number of tenants?
Just some background: I have a MHP that is fully metered for the water/sewer and we bill back the water/sewer bills for our tenants. We have all the right wording in the rental agreements for it. Been doing this for years. But I'm thinking about using RUBS instead because it just sounds easier and cheaper.
If you have been doing it for years, then by no means am I saying to change your process. Our in-house legal team would say that it would be against Oregon regulations if you did not include; list of all utilities included in the expense, breakdown of each utility and the method being used to bill, outline if common areas are included, and include the provider name with the calculations they are using to bill the community. Then the cherry on top is the message telling tenants that they have the right to inspect provider bills.
For some prespective, if a prospect client denies adding these items, we will not take on the community because how strongly our Legal team believes that it is against regulations.
@Gulliver R. - my specialty is multifamily though. I am not familiar with the nuances of MHPs and if this same rule applies. In most states, Commercial, HOAs, and military housing have different regulations that can be clearly identified. MHPs usually fall into a gray area between HOA and Multifamily in most states. As a company though, we consider them MF because we'd rather err on the side of caution and MF is typically the most regulated market.