Hello and thank you for reading and for the help!
My wife and I have a rental property in CA and are currently living in NM. We recently choose not to renew the lease with our tenants and they just moved out. We are getting ready to list the property, but that's another subject. Because we are out of state we paid a Property Manager (PM) to manage our property for us, which we paid 10%. We just came to CA to see the house and handle other things. As you can guess, when we saw the place we have some issues. Below are our 3 concerns, please help if you can.
#1 - Along with our 10% to the PM we have also been paying a landscaper $50 a month to go twice a week. Part of our agreement with the PM is that they would at least drive by the property once a month to check on the house. After the final inspection with the tenants leaving the PM said the drip irrigation in our flower beds was damaged, and there were some weeds in the front flower bed we need to take care of. Looking at it today, it's not a little damage, the whole drip system is junk, the shrubs are dead, and there are a ton of weeds. In my opinion this is the PM's fault, they have obviously not been checking the house, or holding the landscaper responsible. I feel like she is accountable for the damage and should pay the cost of repair for not managing my property. Am I way off here? If so, what can be done to help recoup the repair costs?
#2 - The carpets are damaged what I feel is beyond repair. The carpets are 3 years old and were in great shape with almost no wear a year ago and now they are badly stained and in some places tattered. There are huge black paths coming out from the garage and good stains all over. At what point does it go from wear and tearer to legal damage? The carpets are scheduled to be cleaned in 2 days, but I am concerned that if I spend $200 from the deposit to clean them, they will still look thrashed, and now it's $200 more I have to try and get from the tenant. I just not sure where to go here?
#3 - This is the fun one. The house has a wooden storage shed in that back yard. The tenant decided they wanted to turn this into a condo of sorts. They dry walled it, textured it, ran electrical, painted and installed carpet. It appears someone was living in it that was obviously not on the lease. So beyond the break in the lease agreement, what do we do here? The work is junk and the shed will need to be returned to previous condition. Also what does the break in the lease agreement mean for is and what we can seek for damages here? This one is throwing us for a loop on how to deal? Oh ya, the PM didn't even notice it...
So beyond the obvious firing of the PM, what can we do to resolve both the issues with the tenant and the poor PM? We have a meeting with her tomorrow for the first time, so thanks for the quick help!!!