I will try my best to respond to your gracious replies.
@Steven Hamilton II We do have separate bank accounts for operating, trust account for security deposits, and another savings account to hold saved money for taxes and insurance (escrow) and investment capital.
@Ashish Acharya This is my best understanding before posting my question. 8825 filed with income/expenses, Schedule K to owners.
@Justin Freeman Great idea to make sure we have an agreement between the two parties. Will definitely look at the 1065 for the partnership and sounds like Schedule E for us.
@Llewelyn A. A. Makes sense to me that the PM company needs to be a for profit entity, not just a pass through to us as the owners. Thanks for all the great questions.
@Matthew McNeil One thought I've had over the past year is to keep the current LLC as a management company, and then quit claim deed the properties into another LLC, creating managament agreement(s) between the two which would certainly be better from a legal standpoint. Not sure if it would make more sense tax wise considering the previous conversations above.
@Michael Plaks In our case the members of the LLC are just my wife and I, not a 3 way deal. I should have clarified. No need for obtaining additional financing in our case for now. Thanks for all the words on all the problems that arise. Makes total sense. Certainly should have thought through this more ahead of time of course.
Thanks for all of your input. I have send this thread link to my CPA as well. We'll get this figured out!