@Randall E Collins
I hope all is well with you. It takes a lot to seek advice when things are not going your way. You recognized that your situation could be better and you are doing something about it.
First, what are you trying to accomplish? You stated, looking for a big break. There are no big break. My first purchase was a four unit using a FHA loan. I was making $800 a month after expenses. That doesn't look like a big break on paper, but it changed my life.
Second, if you are flipping/wholesaling properties then you can not be in front of a computer. You have to be out meeting people and working on properties. That is how flipping/wholesaling works. How many offers did you write? How many properties did you go see? You can not look at properties from your computer screen and try to flip them.
Third, do you have a team of people to call on? Do you have a realtor, a contractor, loan officer, insurance guy/gal, and attorney? If you don't have any of these people that you talk to on a regular, I have to honestly say that you been playing real estate and not doing real estate.
Randall, I hope this helps you on your journey.
Charles Anthony