Hi all!
I am a new RE investor in Cleveland, Oh and just purchased a duplex that is fully occupied. On April 24th, I issued the month-to-month tenant a 30 day notice to vacate by May 31st, 2020 (I need to move into the property within 60 days since I used an FHA loan). The tenant just called and said she is now going to move out on May 15th and wants me to pay her $500 worth of moving expenses that she is "all of a sudden and unexpectedly incurring during a pandemic".
To try and be reasonable and fair during these challenging times, I already agreed to prorate her rent for those two weeks instead of charging her for the full month’s rent, which she is legally obligated to do. She is essentially saving roughly $500 that she doesn’t need to pay me in rent anymore.
Does this sound reasonable? And I being fair or should I offer to pay the $500 for moving expenses? I feel I am already helping her out significantly by prorating her rent but wanted to get some more thoughts from people who are more experienced.
Thank you!