Maureen, I'm personally aware of a locally managed 1031 exchange fund to park your monies after the sale until you find the right residential deal(s). Of which, I'm not affiliated but have done personal business with. There are plenty off market residential deals out there. But I'm getting ahead of myself, one of the considering factors would depend on if you are only selling the land? Or the office and land? I wasn't too sure on that part. Either way it would be a good idea to get an appraisal if you haven't done so since 1985 or get a professional broker's opinion of the current market value. NAI or JP Weigand handle quite a few local commercial listings. Unless you are selling to a cash buyer, most buyers' will finance using the LTV from the appraisal. Regardless, it appears like you are in a good position to be in. I'd be kidding if I didn't say I would be interested in knowing more details. Good Luck to you both! Feel free to reach out to me if I can help in any other way.