I read your links and they sound extremely similar to what I experienced. They have Master sells men there. Me and my team honestly flip-flopped back and forth the entire seminar about buying or not buying the schooling. The high pressure salesman got to be so much that I actually slammed my hand down on the table while firmly stating that it wasn't going to happen today and walked out in the middle of a meeting. I had told him several times I just didn't think it was the right time for our team to spend $30,000 on their program. (Which wasn't even the most expensive one) and he literally pulled me and my partner's away from the rest of the seminar and pressured us.
I was told by a very Savvy man years ago that if someone says a deal has to be done today and is rushing it, then it's a scam and they want you to buy it before you find that out.
I also know from experience that golden opportunities aren't rushed. And if he was truly trying to help me and give me a one in a lifetime opportunity that he wouldn't be begging me to take the offer. No one begs you to let them help you.
Then the salesman says you're at a discounted rate in this deal is only going to be around for today.
However I know if it is a stable company and good opportunity then it will be here tomorrow because people do not stop things that work. Obviously my salesman didn't have that same thought process.