2 years ago I was in the same situation as you. I went to the 3 day seminar and I was very impressed with their systems and professional approach. I was heavily considering the program but I went online to do a little research before I pulled the trigger. Someone on another site suggested that I attend every local REIA meeting over the next 6 months and reach out to the active members to see if I could help them with anything(investing/bird dogging/office work). After 6 months if I did not feel I had made enough contacts to educate me or didn't have enough information to pull the trigger on a deal myself, I should then consider the program.
I started attending meetings and right away I met a veteran wholesaler who lead me through my first few deals and I have since networked with many others and learned a great deal along the way. I would say you try the same thing.
All that being said, I have since met a handful of people who have taken the course and are very happy with it.
Best of luck.