Originally posted by @Joe Splitrock:
Originally posted by @Chad McLeod:
I think at a minimum there should be a feedback system here on BP with positive/negative/neutral options. I agree with others that it is not BP's responsibility to vet new members. And I think their stance of not getting involved in disputes would make perfect sense if there was some sort of transparency around a rating system from other members. It's up to people on here to do their own research for sure, but part of that research should be from people on here who have firsthand experience with the member in question.
Rating systems are bogus because they get exploited. Amazon product reviews are a great example. They used to be objective, but now they are dominated by paid reviewers and fake accounts. There was a guy on BP who was talking up his company and had several people give testimony to how great his company was. Every account had been opened in the last couple days and their ONLY post was supporting this company. I called BS on it and he got mad, claiming BP was out to get him. Come to find out this character had a history on BP and people had open lawsuits against him. BP knows who many of the questionable people are. Sometimes leaving their posts up is the best way to document their behavior. Then anyone searching the internet can find the information. At least they know to ask questions.
Could BP do better? They are trying. Some of you may have noticed the "Top Subjects" listed by a user now. This is an algorithm designed to show categories that a poster is an expert in. They are still tweaking it. I have almost 5000 posts and the algorithm says I am an expert in nothing. Maybe the computer is right, haha. Nothing is perfect, but personally I think the format on BP is pretty good for the forums.
Thank you for the response, Joe. I appreciate it.
I guess what I'm envisioning, and maybe this could be exploited on this site so take it FWIW, but I am a member of another site where people post items for sale. When someone purchases an item they leave a review and use the URL of the item they purchased. The seller also leaves a review using the same URL. Now, there are plenty of times when people are lazy and don't leave a review at all. But by and large the community works REALLY well because members can look at past reviews and kind of go from there. The people with a lot of positive reviews are known as good sellers, and the people who have a lot of negative reviews typically don't get anyone's business or they may get outright banned.
Now, this site I mention isn't selling houses, so maybe this is an apples to oranges comparison. But if someone on here provides a service I guess I was viewing a feedback system similar to that one. If I'm crazy feel free to tell me
Thanks again for the information!