The search function doesn’t really work, IMO. If I click on forums and type in Dallas and the first result is like 4 years old, that tells me it doesn’t work. And that’s just an example, btw, but I’ve quit using the search function because that happens all the time.
As for people asking questions that have already been answered — again, if the search function worked correctly it would be easier to find the answer. Now, I agree they should look for an answer first, but it’s hard to find an answer the way things are. Also, there is a HUGE difference between having multiple threads on the same topic, and actually having answers in those threads. Just because you see the same topic more than once doesn’t mean it was really answered. Case in point — lots of threads with people asking for PM recommendations in Cleveland, but very few actual answers.
Lastly, I agree with the others about the cheesy salespeople. I stopped asking questions about markets because it’s usually just a bunch of realtors trying to get my business without giving any real info. Yeah I get you want business, but if the only time you post here is touting your market when someone asks about it, you’re essentially just spamming threads. For whatever reason, Columbus, OH seems to be the worst of the worst. I like to imagine it’s the Alcatraz of bad salespeople. Only the worst of the worst get sent to Columbus. Ok, I’m joking, but man some of them are really bad.