I went thru a similar situation in Lake Worth and had to pull a permit thru my GC and the problem was getting the drawings and approvals took about 2 months before they issued the new permit before I could even start the re-hab. Due to the expired permit the city also imposed a 100 a day fine and they had a 24,000. lien on the property which kept on accumulating until the work was completed and in compliance. I would definitely check for city liens and how they handle the abatement process. I was in luck with Lake Worth in that they counted all of the re-hab costs to correct the violations and accepted them and ended up with 0 owed to the city in my case. Interesting scenario but luckily city was pleased with the re-hab and was glad to close out the case. I did more than they asked and was very attentive to their directives. Good luck in Plant City, I hope they will work with you as they did for me. It got settled before a magistrate hearing and many people didn't get anything taken off but I don't know what their situation was.