There are several things you can try (former NWCO here)....
If you know where the burrow entrances are (there’s more than one), put used cat litter down the hole.
They don’t like mylar balloons. Put a few, weighted, around the yard for a few days. Move them around too.
Best to do these things at the same time to hit more than one of their senses at a time (smell & sight, in this case) so the message to relocate is clear.
Why do you want to evict him, if you have no landscaping or vegetable garden being damaged?
As to fencing, your going about it wrong. They’re powerful diggers. From my local DEP:
An effective method of controlling woodchucks, and other wildlife, in a garden situation is to erect a fence. A sturdy fence at least 3 feet high will keep most medium-sized animals out. However, woodchucks may try to burrow under the fence. It is recommended that the fence extend underground another 1.5 to 2 feet. Woodchucks have been known to climb over fences, in which case a 1-foot extension that is bent outward at a 90-degree angle should be added to the top of the fence, or the fence be "loosely" constructed to bend outward when an animal attempts to climb up.
Hope that helps