For those of who dont want to watch the video, here are the cliff notes version. Its long but it pretty much covers all the "important" stuff discussed:
Here are the cliff notes.
He notes a pattern of judgments at seven-year intervals stemmed from the shemetah which basically stands for "washing away of things"
he went back on historical records on other shemitah years since 1900, here is what he found:
1917 - the year US entered into WW1 - austrian, russan and german empires collapsed (a washing away if you will)
1931 - another shemitah year - market dropped over 50%
1938 - another market crash over 50%, another war started and ended 7 years later on the other shemitah year (a washing away)
shemitah in 1973 - bretton woods worldwide monetary system collapsed
1980 shemitah - the end of the massive inflationary 1970s (a washing away)
1987 shemitah - black monday occured, biggest 1 day percentage drop in the dow. london market also closed due to a hurricaine (washing away)
1994 - bond market - the great bond massacre. bond holders have $1 trillion in losses
2001 shemitah - 9/11 and biggest market crash ever recorded
2008 - biggest market crash ever recorded again
coincidently, wall street also has what they call the "end of a seven year cycle"
the end of the next shemitah cycle is sept 13, 2015
here are things scheduled to happen around that time frame this year which could be concern:
on sept 22 2015, new york city is having the 70th session of the UN General assemly where all the world leaders will congregate including the pope. they are calling this the "jubilee session" In the shemitah, every 7th seven year or every 49 years is call the jubilee also which means the year god gives back land taken away from their ancestors. That is this year. Coincidence?
also happening around this time in september, the UN is planning the new plan to manage the entire globe called the sustainable development summit
in the last jubilee year in 1967, Israel won the 7 day war when they recaptured thier land beating egypt, the west bank and defeated syria.
in the jubilee year before that in 1918, the british empire took back jerusalem from the turkish ottoman empire.
the next coming jubilee starts on sept 14th 2015
recent economic, financial and military signs all pointing to disaster below
countries are moving away from the dollar. china has new bank transfer system to compete with the SWIFT system so that they can get away from the dollar, supposed to be finished september 2015
russia has been purchasing gold in record levels and trade agreements from other countries are now being done outside the US dollar
Jade Helm occuring now which ends this september on the 15th. Jade Helm is a massive unprecedented rollout of the US Military within its own borders. The military is doing preperation for a possible massive civil unrest.
also this year, the federal reserve in new york moved to chicago stating they want to avoid a "natural disaster"
the next federal reserve meeting is set for sept 16 and 17 where it could be when they do the rate hike.
home land security has bought record levels of AR-15 ammo this year (62 million rounds)
Norad announced this year they are moving back to the cheyenne mountains noting because it is EMP hardened possibly preparing for a massive attack?
Christine Legadre - managing director of the IMF had a weird speech last year where she stated " i want to test your numerology skills on the magic number 7, most of you know that is quite a number" apparently its implied no one knew what she was talking about. Weird or what? She knows something!
french prime primster stated last year that 500 days from now we will hit a climactic abyss. which is supposed to sept 23rd from the day of his speech. no one ever questioned him about the 500 days.
Everything seems to be gravitating towards this september and the US appears to be ground zero for this upcoming crisis.
we have already seen the first rumbles with the shanghai market collapse and the greece debacle. chinese nasdaq also has fallen 30% in the recent months. These will all trigger a massive US financial break down.
the guy predicting this has already dumped all this assets and US funds and moved them to internatinoal investments and accounts to prepare.
He thinks we shoud stock up on food, water, gold and ammo.
same guy also noted for telling everyone to buy bitcoin in 2011 when it was $3 per share, no one believed him and it rapidly went on to $400 per share, eventuallyl it rose to $1219.
If you fast forward to 6 min and 26 seconds and watch from there, that is where it gets really good.