@Antonio Pettus Learn to sleep faster... Really though something that helps me out with time management is planning ahead and preparation. I am a husband, father of two, work a full time job and can definitely relate to the gym and cooking thing. I find preparation to be my best friend with getting through the day. From cooking large quantities of food in advanced for the week to when I'm going to make my phone calls the next day. I have a planner that I write everything I need to do for the next day and at approximately what time I plan to do it (some times the kids like to make that a challenge). I don't like using a phone app or anything like that I prefer to physically jot them down on paper that I can refer to throughout the day and cross them out as I complete them. This may not hold true for others but for me still being in the early stages of my business I find that I do have to sacrifice sleep some times if it means getting things done to help the business grow. Hope some of that helps and good luck!