Take the sum of 65% of a month's rent of all the units in your portfolio divided by 2. This amount is your company's working capital without having to borrow or use investor capital. And this working capital is every year with turnover.
We become your 50/50 partner in helping your company grow. Jack and Landlords will contract with your company in guaranteeing a month's rent amount. Instead of leasing with a security deposit, your tenants will pay the non-refundable cost of your third party guarantee, 65% of a month's rent, on top of their rent each month to your company. Our guarantees are paid in 1/12 payments and paid in full at the end of 12 months. Your company then pays its 50% discounted invoice via its Jack and Landlords' portal at the end of each month. Tenants are happy to not pay the security deposit that they've saved up. Plus, tenants are given a 35% discount off, a would have been, a security deposit that's equal to a month's rent.
As previously stated, our invoices are discounted 50%, as an advanced claim payment, thereby, leaving your company 50% of the revenue to manage at its discretion. Do the math and your revenue covers beyond tenant damages and allows your company to profit revenue tax-free. Or, your company's revenue each month can be used at its discretion.
Increase your company's retention. Our guarantees are paid in 1/12 payments and paid in full at the end of 12 months. All guarantees stay in place and effective throughout all tenant renewal years. Because tenants will no longer have guarantee premiums when renewing, your company's retention will increase. Whether rent stays the same or increases by 4%, tenants will have a lower monthly payment when they renew, thereby, increasing retention.
We are the fiduciary way to lease for company growth and investor returns. The one change of leasing with Jack and Landlords, instead of security deposits, is too beneficial to pass up for your company growth and investors.
Rent and security deposit - $1,500
Guarantee cost, 65% of rent - $975.00
Monthly(12) - $81.25
Landlord's 50% discounted invoice - $40.63
Example # of Units - 1000
Total Revenue - $975,000.00
Landlord's revenue, 50% - $487,500.00
26% tenants cause damages, 260
Cost if unit damages = rent - $364,000 / Landlord Profits $123,500.00
Cost if unit damages avg. $1000 - $260,000 / Landlord profits $227,500.00
We do not accept commercial office, retail, and industrial investors. We only accept multi and single-family residential portfolio investors! Thank you.
4822 Albemarle Rd. Suite LL 142, Charlotte, North Carolina, 28205
Phone Number
(877) 275 - 0046
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