Hi all, just wanted to put my 2 cents in. I have been looking into REOs for a while and I think they are a great opportunity. Well, long story short, obtaining one for for it's true default value (or close to it) is harder than one would think. Maybe I was just barking up the wrong trees. I tried contacting the lending institutions themselves and asking for the loss mitigation/foreclosure department. Well, after getting the run around, the only answer I got was "we don't have any REOs" Perhaps I should have been more persistant, but I also found out that almost every direct lender works closely with a few realtors. So of course, they get all props first, as they come up.
After that, I did more researching and found and "REO realtor". Now I'm not saying anything negative about realtors by any means. They are great and a necessity. However, from what I have seen is that the person getting the steal isn't you, it is the Agent. They get huge cuts out of it, and the buyer usually only gets a slight discount. Of course, if I were the realtor, I'm sure I would do the exact same thing. Who can blame them?
Anyway, to tie up this long novel I've just written, this was just my experience. Hopefully others have had a happier ending, and if so, please speak up! I would really love to have my faith in REOs restored!