Do you have specific cash flow goals? Will you be using the BP calculators (or alternative) to determine "pure" cash flow so you find a deal that really works. I see you're after reliable tenants, so I'm not going to argue about the area you're targeting, but make sure you can still handle a bad tenant. If your success hinges upon only having/finding great tenants, you may be in for a rough ride.
I ask because my existing rental house actually only brings me $150 "pure cash flow" after I ran it through the BP calcs. It felt like way more, but I wasn't previously saving appropriately for maintenance and capital expenses. $1,600 in rent (ie: risk if a tenant is not in) for $150 in cash flow is not ideal, now that I've got a clear picture of what's actually going on! But it's where I am and I'm OK for now, but future deals will have higher requirements.
I'm just analyzing a BRRRR deal now that may bring $190+ in pure cash flow on a house with rent payments under $800! That's way less risky for me in the case of vacancy. Better return vs risk. compared to the larger more expensive property.