Not sure if you're speaking about multiple offers on a wholesale deal or traditional listing. We're not seeing many multiple offers anymore on traditional listings but if that occurs (and don't have a pre-set offer review date), I'll notify all parties to submit highest and best by (day/time). Give them all a day (or whatever the seller prefers) to revise their offers, if they decide to do so. Then I will plug in all of the significant terms and conditions into a spreadsheet in order to summarize each offer for the seller. The seller is given all offers to review in their entirety but we use the spreadsheet to highlight best terms in each. I'll answer any questions or provide input as needed but ultimately the seller needs to be the one making the final selection.
I will notify all parties before updating the listing status. This is VERY important and missed by many agents. It looks really bad for a buyer to get an update on their app about the listing going pending before they hear it from their agent. Don't be that listing agent. Notify all parties about the decision prior to updating the status of your listing.
If it's a wholesale deal, same. Let all potential buyers know a day/time to submit highest and best. Pick one and notify all parties. Don't leave them hanging. Does that help at all?