I don't know if this classifies as a windfall because there was some serious heartache involved but it worked out well in the end. I purchased an HOA lien on a property where the buyer had paid cash for it. He was not happy and had to be evicted after the sale. I took pictures after the eviction and called my handyman to clean the place up for sale.
I get a call the next morning from my handyman telling me to call the police and get over there, the condo had been torn up bad. I get over there and he was right, it was bad. All drywall torn down, cabinets ripped off the wall, carpet, floor, bathtub surrounds, and vanities all spray painted, some wiring screwed with, copper torn out of A/C, etc. A real thorough trash job.
The police got there and I got on the phone with my insurance company. Then here comes the previous owner. He tells me he trashed the place and then punched me. Mind you the police are inside the condo and I'm standing a few doors down at another condo purchased similarly. My handyman sees the guy and came running with his gun so he took off, lol. I go get the police and they pull their guns and are looking for this guy. Ends up his brother owns a condo in the complex and is hiding there. The police couldn't do anything because they didn't have proof he was in there. Don't ask me what the assistant DA told me when I went to press charges.
So of course the insurance company is taking forever to let me know what and when I am getting paid. They were going to use estimating software to come up with the settlement so I go ahead pay my contractor to get the place back in shape to be sold and it costs me $10,000. A pretty good deal I thought. About a month later I get a call front he insurance company that their software says it'll cost me $25,000 to fix and that the checks in the mail. Doubled my profit on the deal.
On a side note the brothers condo was in a similar situation, about to be sold for HOA dues. Unfortunately he must have wised up because it still hasn't come to sale. It would have been very satisfying to pick it up.
Lesson to all - Pay your HOA dues if you live in Florida